Anna Gréta is an Icelandic pianist and singer best known for her work covering a multi-faceted songwriting. Almost three years after the release of her epic debut album "Nightjar in the Northern Sky", Anna Gréta released her second album Star of Spring on March 29th 2024 on ACT Music. Integrating philosophical and mathematical concepts, her music frequently explored the relationship between nature and poetry. “In the early spring in Sweden you can see a flower called Vårstjärna spreading over the grass matts. It’s a small flower but as it spreads and blooms, it turns the green hue of the grass matts into blue. It’s the star of spring." While her music is proudly unclassifiable, with Star of Spring, the artist delves into dreams, human connections and real-world issues.
“Anna Gréta is one of the most interesting young discoveries of Nordic Jazz.” ORF
“It will be interesting to see how this remarkable artist will develop in the future.” Stereo
Anna Gréta – Piano, vocals and keyboard
Samuel Löfdahl – Electric bass
Hannes Sigfridsson – Drums
BASED IN: Sweden